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BrainQuizzes is a quiz platform that brings engagement and fun to users online at work,and at home... You can completing unlimited quizzes in variours categories such love,technologies , social media, sport anime , studing, culture...
With BrainQuizzes , you can also rich your brain by reading benifit articles in difirents domains ..

What is a Quiz

A quiz refers to a short test of knowledge, typically around 10 questions in length, with question formats often including multiple choice, fill in the blanks, true or false and short answer.

A quiz is a quick and informal assessment of student knowledge. Quizzes are often used in North American higher education environments to briefly test a students’ level of comprehension regarding course material, providing teachers with insights into student progress and any existing knowledge gaps.

A quiz is much shorter than a traditional test or exam and is rarely impactful on a final course grade. Professors who employ quizzes in their courses—a practice which is increasingly viable thanks to the broader use of technology in higher ed—may schedule them in each class to ensure students have retained knowledge from the previous lesson. Others may hold pop quizzes, which are surprise tests geared towards making sure students have read course materials and are understanding broader course learnings.

Over 10,000 quizzes across six categories

Are you a sports fan? History buff? Geography nut? Animal lover? Arts and cultures aficionado? Sciences and technologies enthusiast? Browse our six categories, choose a quiz, and test your knowledge!

More than 100,000 random questions

After you’ve completed a quiz, start over to find new questions. Our quizzes draw at random from more than 4,500 questions to keep you on your toes!

The benefits of quizzes

Retrieval aids later retention. There is clear evidence from psychological experiments that practicing retrieval of something after learning it, for instance by taking a quiz or test, makes you more likely to retain it for the long term.

Testing provides feedback to instructors and lets them know what is learned or what is not

Testing produces better organization of knowledge by helping the brain organize material in clusters to allow better retrieval.

Testing improves transfer of knowledge to new contexts. There are several experiments referenced in the paper where tests and quizzes help transfer and application of knowledge.

Testing can facilitate retrieval of material that was not tested. Surprisingly there are circumstances where quizzes or tests, particularly if delayed, can help people retrieve/retain information that was related to that asked but not actually asked in the questions.

Testing improves metacognitive monitoring – by giving students scores or self-assessments, they can better predict their knowledge and be more confident about what they know and what they need to know.

Testing prevents interference from prior material when learning new material. If you have a test after learning one set of material before learning another set of material, it can make it less likely that the second session will.

Frequent testing encourages students to study. Having frequent quizzes and tests motivates study and reduces procrastination.